ESC - Graduate Student Small Grants (2025)

Ends on

Graduate Student Small Grants

Deadline:  Rolling

All applications must be submitted 30 days before the planned event or travel. 


Small Grants provide support to graduate students for conference travel . Awards are also available for events and presentations that align with the Center’s mission and research priorities. We consider requests for modest funding for events held on any of Pitt's campuses. This funding can also be applied to support visitors participating in these events. 

These awards are meant to supplement departmental or other funding. If an award is granted, the ESC requests that the Center be acknowledged as a co-sponsor of any lecture or activity that receives funding.  The ESC will also help publicize such co-sponsored events to students, faculty, and community members.  


Awards are available to Pitt graduate students only.


  • Awards range from $300-$500
  • Applicants must show efforts to secure matching funds from their department, school, or other external sources.
  • Awards are available on a rolling basis, with one half of the funds available for successful applications submitted during the first half of the University’s fiscal year (July – December) and the other half available for applications submitted during the second half of the fiscal year (January – June). Applicants submitting proposals after all the funds earmarked for a given 6-month period have been spent will be offered the opportunity to resubmit during the next 6-month period. 

Application Procedure:

  • Complete and submit an application on Submittable. 
  • Upload a detailed budget listing all estimated expenses.
  • Upload a written proposal of no more than five double-spaced pages. In the text of the proposal, please include a section addressing precisely how the funds will be used.
We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.