GSC Engaged Learning Grants

The GSC Engaged Learning grants encourage faculty to devise innovative projects for engaged student learning in global studies. GSC will award engaged learning grants to faculty members who conceive projects that involve students in innovative learning experiences outside the classroom (whether as part of a course or through independent programs, internships, etc.). These experiences might include trips, research projects, simulations, competitions, internships, community-engaged learning opportunities, or work on other programs or projects that engage students in nontraditional ways of learning about the global.

Full-time and part-time tenure- and appointment-stream faculty affiliates may apply for a maximum of $1,500 per grant.

Application: Please Submit as a single PDF document:

1. A cover page including:

a. The faculty member’s name, rank, and unit;

b. A short (150 word) description of the proposed project.

2. The faculty member’s CV.

3. A 1000-word (max.) description of the project and its connection to global learning. Please be specific about the number of students involved, what they will do and learn, and how the project will be organized and implemented. The statement should also make clear why the faculty members is qualified to lead or oversee the project (such as past experience, expertise, networks, etc.).

Note: if more than one faculty member is collaborating, please list the information in item 1a for each. Only the lead faculty member need submit a CV.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.