GSC Interdisciplinary Cluster Grants

GSC Interdisciplinary Cluster grants will facilitate interdisciplinary faculty groups ("clusters"), exploring and developing new collaborations that will become self-sustaining through internal or external support. These "starter" grants are easy to apply for and are intended to encourage global and transnational research -- conferences, workshops, edited volumes, journals, websites or other digital resources, NEH summer seminars, or other projects -- that aligns with the Center's mission and its current research initiatives.

Clusters of faculty and graduate students representing at least three distinct disciplines may apply. The PI must be a full-time or part-time tenure- or appointment-stream faculty member. The PI must also be a Center affiliate, but not all group members need to be affiliated at the time of application.

Faculty and Graduate students can receive up to $3,000 per cluster, with the possibility of a renewal for a second year. Grants include basic administrative and logistical support (such as setting up meetings, reserving rooms, booking travel, paying honoraria, etc.). Any unspent monies will be returned to the GSC at the end of the grant period.

While renewal is possible, it cannot be guaranteed, and renewals will be limited to projects with a clear and promising plan for securing further funding.

Deadline: Rolling, while funds last.

Application: Please submit the following as a single PDF document: 

1. A cover sheet including:

a. the names, ranks, and units of the PI and the research cluster members;

b. the title and an abstract (max 150 words) of the proposed cluster / project;

c. the amount of support requested;

d. other sources/amounts of potential/secured funding.

2. A project description (1,000 words max.): 

a.  describing the purpose of the cluster;

b. explains the proposed activities of the cluster;

c. relates the connection to the GSC’s mission and/or research initiatives;

d. describes plans for future funding and support.

3. A simple budget that explains how the requested funds (and any matching or supplemental funds) will be used.

4. The PI’s current CV (8 pages max)

5. Clusters seeking renewal must include a 500 word report (max.) on the previous year’s activities and justify how a further year of support is likely to result in the project becoming self-sustaining.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.